Vision Therapy
Optometric vision therapy is recommended when the visual problem cannot be solved with environmental changes or lenses only. The procedures, which may involve using specialized instruments, are individualized based on the visual skill level of the patient. The vision therapy program begins “where the patient is.” This is usually at a basic level. As the patient and the therapy progresses, the therapy becomes more complex and intense.
Vision therapy is programmed and preformed by Dr. Diane. In most cases, vision therapy is done on a one patient to one doctor ratio. Therapy sessions usually consist of 45 minutes of therapy and the remainder of the time explaining home therapy, discussing progress and successes observed during therapy. Patients typically have vision therapy once a week. However, this can be individualized also. For example, a college student is home on a 12 week summer break. It is determined during the Behavioral vision evaluation that 28 therapy sessions are needed to relieve the student of headaches and double vision. The patient may elect to come 2 or 3 times per week until the fall semester begins.
A formal progress evaluation is done after every 8-10 vision therapy sessions. At this time, many of the initial tests are redone. Changes in performance and behavior are discussed by patient/parent and the doctor. Initial goals are updated. New goals may be set as previous ones are reached.
Optometric vision therapy is challenging. It is intense. It can be life altering. Vision therapy is well worth the time and effort spent.